Dear colleagues,
we invite you to take part in the XI International Conference
“Information Technology and Implementation” (IT&I-2024)
November 20-21, 2024
The conference is organized by
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics)
- Florida State University
- National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
- Viktor Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine
- Institute for Information Recording Problems of the NAS of Ukraine
- Institute of Software Systems of the NAS of Ukraine
- The Council of Young Scientists of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics and the Faculty of Information Technology of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
- Public organization “Cognitive research”
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Nickolas G. Cogan
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Nicholas G. Cogan is Professor of Mathematics at Florida State University. He began studying mathematical biology in undergraduate school and received his Ph.D. from the University of Utah under the direction of James P. Keener. He routinely works with microbiologists, environmental engineers, clinicians, and other scientists outside of mathematics.
His specialties are mathematical model, sensitivity analysis, numerical simulations, forecasting and uncertainty. He has taught for twenty years at the undergraduate level and his research focuses on mathematical modeling in the life sciences. He is the author of over 70 articles using mathematics with biology and a textbook.
Short Bio:
- Ph.D., University of Utah, USA, 2003
- M.S., Montana State University, 1999
- B.A., Texas Tech University, 1994
- 2017-present Professor, Mathematics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
- 2011-2017 Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
- 2005-2011 Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
- 2003-2005 Postdoctoral Associate, Mathematics Department, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Data science approaches from a modeler’s perspective
Abstract: The methods used in data science have been collected over decades and were initially driven by application needs. In this talk I will focus on data science approaches for non-data science oriented researchers. The main goal of this talk is to continue the connections between the field of data science, as a growing and maturing field of research, and the user needs (at least from my perspective). I will focus on several areas of my research where I actively engage with data scientists and data science methodology.
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv:
- 24 B. Havrylyshyna St., Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
In case of continuation of martial law, the conference will be held online.
Lecturers, scientists, researchers, graduate students, and students are invited to participate in the IT&I conference.
The purpose of the event: presentation and discussion of the latest scientific results in the field of information technology and computer science, formulation of research problems and development on the basis of methodologies, techniques and tools for digital transformations of society.
Conference Tracks
- Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Data Science
- Cyberspace Protection Technologies
- E-commerce, E-government and E-learning Technologies
- Network, Internet and Smart technologies
- Software Engineering, Data Structures and Computing
Applicants can submit papers of at least 10 pages via Microsoft CMT ( until 1 October 2024. Such papers will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, research content, correctness, relevance to conference tracks, and readability. The manuscripts selected by the Program Committee of the IT&I-2024 conference will be submitted for publication as a separate collection of CEUR Conference Proceedings, which is planned to be indexed in Scopus and DBLP.
For more details please visit Paper Submission
All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings.
Please read the guidelines before submitting your paper.
Formatting Guidelines
- Papers must be in English and at least 10 pages, 5-9 pages for a short article (CEUR standard)
- Due to the international status of the conference, the bibliography should contain sources mainly by foreign authors, and the percentage of citations by Ukrainian scientists, including self-citations, should not exceed 20%
- The articles will be checked for anti-plagiarism, and the percentage of matches should not exceed 20% (including with own previous works)
- One scientist can be the author of no more than two articles
- The article may have no more than 5 co-authors
During the creation of the conference materials’ collection, preference is given to articles whose authors have a DBLP index of 5 or more, as well as articles with the participation of foreign authors.
The presentation in English by one of the co-authors is MANDATORY.
The conditions, format, and deadlines for submission of materials selected for publication on can be found at the following link:
Papers selected by the Program Committee of the IT&I-2024 conference will be submitted for publication as a separate volume of conference materials (ISSN 1613-0073), which are planned to be indexed in Scopus and DBLP.
Authors of articles who do not pass peer review for publication as a separate volume of the conference proceedings are invited to participate in the satellite conference.
Important Dates for IT&I-2024
- Submission Deadline:
01 October 202415 October 2024 - Acceptance Notification:
15 October 202420 October 2024 - Camera Ready Submission:
20 October 202425 October 2024 - Conference Dates: 20-21 November 2024
IT&IS-2024 satellite conference will be held on 21 November 2024.
To participate in the IT&I(s) satellite conference, authors must submit abstracts in English, up to 2 pages, and abstracts of plenary reports – up to 4 pages.
Terms of participation in the conference can be found by the following link:
Reports submitted to the conference and prepared following the requirements presented here will be published in the scientific collection of conference materials after approval by the organizing committee.
The best presentations of the main and satellite conferences can be recommended for publication in the journals “Advanced Information Technologies” and “Security of Information Systems and Technologies”.
Important Dates IT&IS-2024 (Satellite)
- Submission Deadline: 1 November 2024
- Acceptance Notification: 5 November 2024
- Camera Ready Submission: 10 November 2024
- Conference Dates: 21 November 2024